Pay forward a set amount
Pay forward a set amount below. Any funds will go towards funding people's access to StriveTogether only. For more information about how the StriveTogether project works, please click here.
If you would like to choose an amount to pay forward, please scroll down this page to Choose an amount.
Pay forward monthly
You can pay forward on a monthly subscription basis for different levels of support.
Member access to the Strive online platform, including:
Over 100 evidence-based reading, audio, video & activity resources
Weekly online group
Monthly topic-specifc webinar events
Newsletters, Facebook Group, WhatsApp service
Wellness Assessments & personalised action plans
£49.99 per month
Member access to the Strive online platform, including:
Over 100 evidence-based reading, audio, video & activity resources
Weekly online group
Monthly topic-specifc webinar events
Newsletters, Facebook Group, WhatsApp service
Wellness Assessments & personalised action plans
Fortnightly online sessions with a Strive Mentor
£120 per month
Choose an amount
You can choose any amount to pay forward. Any funds will go towards funding people's access to StriveTogether only.
The bank details are as follows:
Account Name: SanaMente Services Limited
Bank Account: 22879800
Sort Code: 04-06-05