There are two ways in which we work with organisations: 
Once we've received the employee details of those to be included in the survey, we will invite them to complete the Wellness Assessment. The assessment asks a total of 30 questions relating to their mental fitness
Responses will be collated and run through our diagnostic tool. The report will cover your overall company view, scores on the five business metrics, as well as any additional metrics you have requested. We also include package recommendations for employees based on the findings. 
We can then offer tailored support to these employees through the Strive Corporate Solution as a flexible, pay-monthly service. 
2. Adhoc Support 
We can help business owners who are stressed or concerned about particular members of staff with issues like: 
● People who recognise they are experiencing signs of stress or are struggling with life and work; 
● People who have been recognised by their line managers or colleagues, as currently having difficulties with emotions, work relationships or changes in behaviour; 
● People with previous or current sickness, absence or performance management challenges. 
We can then offer tailored support to these employees through the Strive Corporate Solution as a flexible, pay-monthly service. 
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